State Associations

Q1: What does your district and/or state association do to support football/athletics? #txhsfbchat
Q2: What opportunities are provided for you to be involved with your state coaches association? #txhsfbchat
Q3: Does your district and/or state association provide professional development for coaches? #txhsfbchat
Q4: Who makes up the leadership/representation for your state association? #txhsfbchat
Q5: What benefits are included to being a member of your state association? #txhsfbchat
Q6: Do you know the mission of your association? #txhsfbchat
Q7: How could your state association improve to better serve you? #txhsfbchat

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Boosters and Coaches: A Successful Relationship

This blog is contributed by Team Spectator. *This article contains links which may no longer work At Spectator, we exist to help make the process of recruiting and retaining valuable donors and members incredibly simple and streamlined. We make life easier for booster clubs across the country with In dealing with booster clubs nationwide,…

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Educating Young Coaches

When a young coach joins your staff, there are certain expectations placed upon them by the head coach, the other assistants, and the athletes that he coaches. Let’s not forget that the coach is also a teacher in the classroom with expectations from the principal, the teachers in their department, and the students he serves…

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