Using Video to Teach

Q1: How often do you watch film with your team? With your position?
Q2: Do you have a defined expectation for your players to watch film on their own? Do you track it?
Q3: How much of the game film and opponent film do you share with your position?
Q4: How do you balance going over the positive plays and the negative plays from the game film?
Q5: How does what you see on the film impact your practice plan?

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Breaking Down Film In-Season

**Varsity players schedule: Monday – Film and Install / Tuesday-Wednesday – Full pads practice / Thursday-Run through / Friday – Game Day / Saturday-Sunday –Off** This blog has been posted here with permission of the author @seoleufootball ​ Saturday morning, I watch last night’s game once. The result in already in the book so I…

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Summer Programs

Q1: What opportunities do you provide your team to work together during the summer?
Q2: Are you allowed to coach your athletes in the summer?
Q3: What role does 7on7 play with your program?
Q4: How do you get your athletes to the weight room to work out together?
Q5: What skills camps do you host during the summer and what age do you target?
Q6: What is the most important activity you want your athletes doing each summer?
Q7: What message do you tell your athletes when they leave school for the summer to be prepared for the fall?

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Coaching Responsibilities

Q1: How does your head coach decide who fills each position on staff?
Q2: What responsibilities does the OC have through the season and the rest of the year?
Q3: What responsibilities does the DC have through the season and the rest of the year?
Q4: How does an assistant show they are ready to handle the responsibilities of a coordinator or become a head coach?
Q5: Are you provided a written description of what your responsibilities include?
Q6: What do you consider “other duties as assigned” to be pretty typical for a coach?
Q7: What advice for coaches new to the profession can you provide regarding their new responsibilities?

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Evolution of Football: Coaching

Q1: How has coaching changed over the past 10-20 years?
Q2: What are the most pressing issues a coach must be able to handle today?
Q3: How have advances in technology changed the coaching profession?
Q4: How do you define “old school” coaching and is it still relevant today?
Q5: How have expectations of coaches in college and the pros impacted the high school coach?

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The Honor of Coaching

Recently I had the honor of attending the USA Football National Conference in Orlando, Florida, courtesy of the NFL. When I received the invitation I was so excited because of this opportunity to learn from so many great coaches and the honor of being considered worthy of being included. I had no idea how many…

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Evaluating Your Passing Game

Q1. What concepts were you most successful with this year and against what coverages?
Q2. How did your pass protection dictate what you could do with your passing game?
Q3. What concepts and coverages did you struggle with this season?
Q4. How many short yardage concepts do you employ/trust?
Q5. When breaking down your opponents, what did you look for in the coverage?
Q6. How do your athletes impact what you do with your passsing game?
Q7. What will be your focus this spring and summer to improve your passing game?

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Scouting: Live and Film

Q1: Which method of scouting do you prefer, live scouting the game or the video? #txhsfbchat
Q2: How many games of your opponent will you attend and how many videos do you exchange? #txhsfbchat
Q3: When you attend a game, what do you look for that you don’t see in the film? #txhsfbchat
Q4: How far in advance of the game will you watch film of the opponent? #txhsfbchat
Q5: What notes do you take from a live scout compared to the film? #txhsfbchat
Q6: How do you incorporate what you take from both scouts into your game plan? #txhsfbchat
Q7: Which method of scouting gives you a better idea of how your opponent plays? #txhsfbchat

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