Opponent Preparation

Q1: You’ve put together your plan, and now it is time to implement it. What is the first thing you present to your athletes?
Q2: How do you incorporate the opponent into your individual skill practice?
Q3: Do you have a scout team coach who to get your scouts in the right place?
Q4: Do you have specific focus for each group and team session of practice?
Q5: How many times do you want to see your plays and calls against something the opponent does?
Q6: What have you done to simulate the tempo of the opponent?
Q7: What is something that you do that you believe really helps prepare your team for each game?

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Q1: When planning your practice, how much time do you spend working fundamental technique compared to installing scheme for your position?
Q2: Do you plan your practice schedule together as a staff, or does your head coach plan it for the team?
Q3: How many different instructional methods (kinesthetic, visual, lecture) do you use during your individual time?
Q4: With contact times being limited more and more, how do you incorporate game like conditions of play into your practice?
Q5: How do you plan for quality reps for the sub-varsity players? What would you say your percentage of reps your sub-varsity players get in your scheme compared to your varsity?

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Thanksgiving Chat

Q1: From @matthewfinn14: What strategies do you use to maintain an edge for road games?
Q2: From @coach_harvey18: What coverage or combination of coverages do you employ to defend against RPOs?
Q3: From @AtuvusFootball: How do you incorporate rugby tackling into your tackling circuit or teaching progression?
Q4: From @coachfisher_rp: How do you balance play practice vs technique in season coaching the OL?
Q5: How many runs do you carry into each game and how do you decide what runs to major in?
Q6: From @kdawgswift: How do you decide where your kids play in the program?

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